Yiheng Xiao
MEng Concentration: Financial Engineering
Anticipated Graduation Date: December 2018
Education (previous degree): Wuhan University; Bachelor of Economics in Financial Engineering; Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Double Degree)
- Morgan Stanley Capital International (Beijing): Financial Analytics Engineer Intern (Nov. 2016 – Feb. 2017)
- Academic Project: Impacts of Investor Sentiment on China Stock Market (Spring 2016)
- Guangzhou Securities: Investment Analyst Intern (Jan. 2016 - Mar. 2016)
- Academic Project: Research on Impact of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect Program on China index Futures Market (May 2015)
Hobbies: Swimming, jogging, hiking, stamp collecting, playing poker and mahjong
Why do you want to pursue a career in finance?
I relish in the challenge of decoding the mystery behind financial topics and leverage my quantitative and analytical skills.
What makes you unique?
Hiking up the peaks in China spurred my ambition to constantly conquer new challenges and explore unknown scenarios. I have a natural curiosity for life, which I can hopefully apply in to the financial world one day.