Recruit Students

Are you looking to connect with Cornell ORIE talent?

Ways to Connect with ORIE Students

Career Fairs

Cornell hosts several career fairs throughout the year. Learn more about the Fall and Spring Career Fairs.

Post Jobs

The best way to reach your target population is to post positions in Cornell Handshake, which is the student portal for jobs and upcoming career events.

On-Campus Interviews

The Engineering Career Center provides currently enrolled Cornell students the opportunity to interview on campus for internships, co-ops, and entry-level positions.

Information Sessions

Engineering Student Organizations have been trained and certified by the Cornell Engineering Career Center. These organizations will assist in arranging your connection. 

Alumni Career Conversations 

Looking for a way to give back? Host a career conversation with current students to share your career path, industry knowledge, and expertise. These conversations are a great opportunity for students to learn about potential career fields of interest and to hear first-hand how our alumni are using their degrees.


If you would like to schedule a phone call to discuss your Cornell recruiting strategy, please contact the Recruiting Coordinator in the Engineering Career Center or call the front desk at (607) 255-5006.
