Faculty Resources

  1. Information about advising ORIE undergraduates?
    • Contact person:  
                                   Undergraduate Student Coordinator
                                   Office: 203 Rhodes Hall
                                   Phone: 5-5088
                                   Email: ORIE-UG-Support@Cornell.edu.
    • The ORIE Undergraduate Handbook is available from the Undergraduate Student Coordinator.
  1. Information about advising ORIE graduate students?
    • Contact person is Graduate Student Coordinator, Onnolee Wierson at 5-9128 or how3@cornell.edu.
    • The Master of Engineering Handbook is available from the Graduate Student Coordinator.
  1. Information about advising ORIE PhD students?
  1. Add a new course?
    • After receiving Director approval for a brand new course;
    • Contact person is Undergraduate Student Coordinator, Heidi Russell at 5-5088 or email Heidi.
    • Send course title, credit hours, course description, exam information and preferred day/time. A course number (and 4 digit number) will be assigned.
    • Undergraduate Student Coordinator requests approval from Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUGS)
  1. Produce a course packet?
  1. Reserve a room for review sessions, office hours, etc?
    • Contact person is Undergraduate Student Coordinator, Heidi Russell at 5-5088 or email.
    • Send day/time of reservation request and what the room will be used for.
    • Contact person will confirm room with Engineering Registrar, OUR, or on Outlook (if request is for an OR room)
  1. Order textbooks, desk copies?
    • Contact person is Undergraduate Student Coordinator, Heidi Russell at 5-5088 or hjr27@cornell.edu and will initiate this process.
    • Contact person will send you the title and ISBN of text previously used via email. Reply if you plan to use that same text. If requesting a new text, send the title, author and ISBN # if possible.
    • Contact person will request desk copies from publishing representative.
  1. Set up a Canvas account?
  1. List a paper as an ORIE Technical Report?
    • Contact person is Main Office Assistant to the Director, Henry Lam at 5-8342 or hl668@cornell.edu
    • Email contact person the title of paper, authors, searchable keywords, and abstract, with an attached pdf file of the paper.
    • Contact person will assign it a new number, notify the authors, and make it available on the ORIE Technical Report List on the ORIE web site.
  1. Hiring a new faculty/staff member?
  2. Reimbursed for an expense including travel?
  1. Grant Proposal submissions and/or questions?
  1. Get the balance of my grant account?
  1. Get a budget for my grant proposal?
  1. Order a computer?
  1. Borrow a laptop?
    • Contact person is Systems Administrator, Jake Gibson, RH 276, at 5-3771 or jjg243@cornell.edu
  1. Dispose of electronic equipment?
  1. Add information to the web page?
    • Contact person is Communication Specialist II, Pat Gillespie at 4-4827or pdg2@cornell.edu.
  1. Develop a poster?
    • Contact person is Communication Specialist II, Pat Gillespie at 4-4827or pdg2@cornell.edu.
  1. Send a large mailing?
  1. Send a large electronic mailing?
  1. Have something fixed in my office?
  1. Enter into a contract with someone?
  1. Bring a visitor to campus?
  1. Need a book/exam copied
    • Contact person is Director’s Assistant, Henry Lam at 5-8342 or hl668@cornell.edu.
    • Material to be copied should be sent to the main office with copy instructions attached.
  1. Phone not working
  1. Need to contact alumni
    • The Alumni Affairs and Development Department has access to a confidential Alumni database and can be contacted at alumniaffairs@cornell.edu
  1. Need office keys for a visitor
  1. Need to order supplies
  1. Need to order office Furniture
  1. Need to send a letter by overnight express mail
    • Contact person is Director’s Assistant, Henry Lam at 5-8342 or hl668@cornell.edu.
    • Provide the address, phone number, and account number.
    • University has a contract with FedEx Express.
  1. Where do I pick up my paycheck/request direct deposit?
  1. Transition Services Professional Development Center
    • https://www.transitionsource.org/
  1. ISSO Information for VISA and Permanent Residency Details

ORIE Faculty Resource Guide (PDF)