Xiangnan Wu
MEng Concentration: Financial Engineering
Anticipated Graduation Date: December 2015
Areas of Interest: Quant Trading, Quant Research, Portfolio Investment
Jason Wu received his bachelor degree in Economics with concentration on Financial Engineering from Nanjing University.
During the summer in 2015, Jason interned in the Fixed Income Research team at Nomura Securities in New York City. He designed and buit two user-interactive spreadsheet tools for trade selection and Beta analysis. Furthermore, he assisted the team conducting a comprehensive research on US bond market liquidity, covering primary deal actions, in-and-out analysis in Fed hikes, and scenario test of market loss etc. Now, he is interning as a desk quant in the Equity Derivatives team at Nomura, mainly focusing on options.
With strong interest and quantitative background, he is eager to develop his career path in Quant Trading, Quant Research, and Portfolio Investment.
In his spare time, Jason enjoys playing poker and chess. Badminton and basketball are his favorite sports. He is also fond of classic music and clarinet and performed in 10+ concerts.