Tianxiang Jin
MEng Concentration: Financial Engineering
Anticipated Graduation Date: December 2016
Areas of Interest: Quantitative Trading, Quantitative Research, Asset Management, Fixed Income, Risk Management, Stats and Modeling
Tianxiang Jin received his bachelor degree in mathematics with a concentration in applied mathematics and statistics from Peking University. While interning at Citigroup ICG Global Market Hong Kong as a summer sales & trading analyst, aside from studying market microstructure and Citi Electronic Execution Algorithms such as VWAP, TWAP, Dagger and Optimus, he also cooperate with the EE & IT department to renovate and update the post transaction analysis chart system with Python and KDB database. In addition, he assisted the Citi EE sales team in building an automatic Campaign Monitoring System and TCA analysis generator template, which helped the sales team save hours of work every week. Furthermore, he served as a forex trader at ICBC and at Prudential as a portfolio management assistant.
Tianxiang takes pride in being a leader and team member both in and outside of the classroom. As the co-founder and chief marketing officer of Xinshang Education and Technology Co., Ltd. in his junior and senior year, he successfully recruited more than two thousand students and established eight new projects to the company within six months. His negotiation and interpersonal skills helped bring about a $255,000 profit to the company.