Siyao Gu
Siyao Gu earned a dual degree in mathematics and economics from the University of Minnesota. During the summer of 2015, he conducted a research about risk preference along with a Ph.D. student, analyzing how people of various ages measure the risk they confront. Also, in his undergraduate thesis, he further explored the usage of stochastic differential equation in stock market, applying a Brownian Motion model to describe the long-term behavior of 20 stocks in Nasdaq market.
Working as an intern at Northeastern Securities Co., Ltd. during the summer of 2014 in China, he participated in supervising three major projects of the trading department, used the WIND Finance Database to analyze the financial positions of SMEs, maintained company’s database, and prepared materials for seasonal meetings of the company.
Being an assistant of MCC Paper Yinhe Co., Ltd., he successfully combined the skills of financial statements analyzing and consulting, managing to raise a reorganization strategy for the company.
Siyao Gu is planning to pursue a career in quantitative trading, risk management or consulting upon graduation.
His extracurricular interests include different kinds of sports, especially soccer. He also enjoys playing the accordion and has been practicing for 10 years.