Mutiara (Tia) Sondjaja
I am a sixth year Ph.D. student in the School of Operations Research and Information Engineering, working in continuous optimization. My advisor is James Renegar.
Before coming to Cornell, I did my undergraduate studies at Harvey Mudd College, majoring in math and advised by Francis Su. I am planning to complete my graduate work in May 2014.
My main research interests are in mathematical programming and continuous optimization. In my thesis research, I study the convergence properties of a new interior-point algorithm for linear programming--the problem of minimizing a linear functional subject to linear equality and inequality constraints. My current work involves analyzing extensions of this algorithm to a more general class of convex optimization problems called hyperbolic programming.
In addition to my main research, I am also interested in numerical aspects of optimization and in pursuing interdisciplinary work on concrete optimization problems that arise in other disciplines and in industry.