Erick Santillan Ramirez

Erick Santillan Ramirez

Operations Research and Information Engineering
Financial Engineering


MEng Concentration: Financial Engineering
Anticipated Graduation Date: December 2013
Areas of Interest: Fixed Income, Risk Management, Quantitative Finance, Financial Software Development

Erick holds a bachelor’s degree in Actuary from the National University of Mexico and a bachelor’s degree in Information Technologies from the Technological Institute of Monterrey. The motivation to pursue both of these studies was to develop solid analytical skills to have a valuable contribution in a quantitative area, showing great problem solving abilities.

After graduating there seemed to be different areas were his knowledge could be useful. But in Finance he found the possibility to perfectly combine the two areas of study he had. He became a full time employee at a major bank in Mexico where he had the opportunity to develop analytical and IT solutions using the knowledge in areas like statistics, probability and mathematical modeling to measure risk, obtained in the Actuarial studies.

He decided to increase his understanding of the financial industry by starting a master’s degree in Financial Engineering. This would also give him the opportunity to increase his international education at an institution like Cornell, after having experienced studies abroad, for short periods of time, in Canada and the U.K.