Amelia Radtke
MEng Concentration: Applied OR
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2015
Areas of Interest: Operations, Consulting, Data Analysis, Finance
Amelia graduated from Cornell University in 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Operations Research and Engineering. She is now completing her master’s degree in Engineering in Operations Research with a minor in Systems Engineering.
As an undergraduate Amelia was a member of Alpha Xi Delta fraternity and was actively involved with Cornell’s chapter of Vox: Voices for Planned Parenthood. While serving as the Vice President and President of Vox, Amelia was instrumental in gaining recognition for the club as an official university organization as well as establishing its infrastructure and bylaws.
Amelia has experience working in strategy, supply chain, and energy analysis through her internships at Johnson Controls in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Over three summers Amelia has had the opportunity to see a variety of business functions and learn how they relate in the overall mission of the company. During her work within the business strategy department, she gained experience analyzing market conditions and preparing reports for senior management. This past summer she worked on continuous improvement initiatives to standardize best business practice across the factories.
In her free time Amelia races sailboats on Lake Michigan and enjoys downhill skiing and reading classic literature.