Alexis Rouge Carrassat
M.Eng. Concentration: Data Analytics
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2017
Areas of Interest: Operations Research, Big Data, Data Mining, Financial Engineering
Alexis Rouge Carrassat completed his B.S. in Applied Mathematics & Industrial Engineering at Mines Nancy, a leading French Engineering School. Upon graduation from Cornell in May 2017, he hopes to work in a data analytics team in a growing company where he can participate in the innovation & marketing process.
While interning Hutchinson (subsidiary of Total Group and leading company in processing elastomers) during the summer of 2016, Alexis developed materials for data mining & data visualization, built applications to improve the quality of production lines, and prepared pitch slides for the data analysis managers.
In his undergraduate project with the SNCF (French National Railway Company), he applied data analysis tools such as time series models and linear regression to analyze and correlate events that lead to trains downtimes.
In his spare time, Alexis is actively pursuing an interest in electronic music. He also enjoys skill games where probabilities and decision making are keys to success.