ORIE Update/Data Driven Optimization Decision Making


Monday, November 24, 2014 12:00-1:00 PM EST


Please join us for a collaborative discussion with Operations Research and Information Engineering (ORIE) Director David Shmoys and Assistant Professor Peter Frazier.

Hear from David Shmoys about the exciting things that are happening and what is ahead for the school. This is an exciting period for OR, in which data-driven decision-making is having an impact on all aspects of our lives. The School is engaged with helping information to make operations more effective with companies like eBay, partners like Cornell's Weill Medical School and the Hospital of Special Surgery, and even new ventures like Citibike, New York City's bike-sharing program. Perhaps the most significant change for the immediate years ahead is that the School is an integral part of Cornell Tech, the new campus in New York City.

You'll also hear from Peter Frazier about using machine learning and optimization to improve user experience at Yelp.com. Online businesses increasingly create multiple versions of their website, and perform experiments on live user traffic to determine which version is the best. Peter will describe recent research, conducted jointly with engineers at the business review company Yelp, that uses machine learning and optimization to make these experiments more efficient, and find good website designs more quickly.

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