Yujia Chen
MEng Concentration: Financial Engineering
Anticipated Graduation Date: December 2016
Areas of Interest: Equity Research, Structured Finance, Trading, Consulting
Yujia Chen received her bachelor’s degree from Peking University with a double major in information management & information systems and economics. Throughout her undergraduate study, she completed two major research projects on the information services for a car-calling app and a mass customization model, along with a published paper in a Chinese magazine indexed by CSSCI (Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index).
While interning at First Futures Co. Ltd, Yujia wrote reports on the iron and steel industry analysis, including industrial characteristics, operational efficiencies and future evaluations based on financial statement analysis. She also made presentations about the possible policy impact towards a specific industry after translating several U.S. Department of Agriculture documents. In addition, her internship at Xinhua News Agency focused on algorithm analysis for information storage and retrieval.
In her spare time, Yujia enjoys A Cappella singing. She has performed at many social events, including annual events for "Innovation Works" and at Tian An Men Square.