Mark Lewis elected 2025 INFORMS President-elect

By: Chris Dawson

Mark Lewis, the Maxwell M. Upson Professor of Engineering at Cornell, has been elected the 2025 INFORMS President-elect. Lewis will serve a one-year term as President elect and then will serve as President of INFORMS for the 2026 calendar year.

INFORMS is the leading international association for professionals in operations research, analytics, management science, economics, behavioral science, statistics, artificial intelligence, data science, applied mathematics, and other relevant fields, with more than 12,000 members.

Lewis is the second Cornell ORIE faculty member to serve as President-elect of INFORMS, as well as the first African-American to fill the role. Brenda Dietrich, the Geoffrion Family Professor of Practice, served as INFORMS President-elect in 2006 and as INFORMS President in 2007.

Lewis has written that, as President of INFORMS, "I would like to focus my energy to expand and enhance the sense of community among operations researchers and management scientists. Three areas on which I would like to focus to position INFORMS to achieve this goal are: 1) academic/industry interactions and collaborations, 2) increased opportunities for engagement of traditionally underrepresented groups and 3) facilitating opportunities for the next generation of INFORMS members to remain active in our organization."

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