Manxi Wu

Manxi Wu

Assistant Professor (on leave through December, 2026)
School of Operations Research and Information Engineering
223 Frank H.T. Rhodes Hall


Manxi Wu is an assistant professor in Cornell’s School of Operations Research and Information Engineering.

Her fields of interest are societal networks, game theory, network optimization, and theory of economic incentives. Her research focuses on the study of platforms for information provision and autonomous services. She develops models and tools for strategic learning, information design, and incentive mechanisms to achieve socially desirable outcomes in socio-technical systems.

Professor Wu completed her Ph.D. in summer 2021 from the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She holds an M.S. in transportation from MIT, and a B.S. in applied mathematics from Peking University. She is a recipient of Hammer Fellowship, UTC Milton Pikarsky Memorial Award, Siebel Scholarship, and EECS rising star. She served as a visiting assistant professor at Cornell ORIE in the academic year 2021-22 and began a full-time appointment July 1, 2022.

Research Interests

Research Group Members


B.S. (Applied Mathematics), Peking University, 2015
M.S. (Transportation), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017
Ph.D. (Social and Engineering Systems), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2021


Research Group Members

Graduate Students

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